Saturday, November 29, 2008

Merde....Il Peut

Before I continue describing the wonders of last night, I need to reflect on this afternoon.  I was just leaving my house to go to the folks' when I found this on my front stoop:  
It was a package from Cheri in France!!  I quickly opened it and discovered more than I could have ever wished for: awesome candy, a toothbrush, an umbrella from the umbrella capital of le monde (Aurillac), and my favorite: a handwritten letter!

 I wish I could have sent her more than just a handwritten list of the contents when I sent her package (sorry Cheri), but I had to get to the post office before it closed.  So anyway, I loved the letter, candy, and the toothbrush looks awesome.  But here's the thing.  This umbrella is the best umbrella EVER for the following reasons:
a.  It has a curse
b.  It has a curse in a foreign language
c.  It has a curse in a foreign language about the rain
d.  It hilariously states the obvious.

I LOVE my new umbrella!!!

Merci, Cheri!  Je t'aime!!  


Cheri said...

You are SOOOO WELCOME, Colleen!!! I knew you'd love it!! YAY! ENJOY!

DinerGirl said...